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Budget 2025/26

Find out about the budget that the Cabinet is proposing for the 2025/26 financial year.

Consultation on the budget proposals for the next financial year has now closed. 

As part of the consultation process, our Overview and Scrutiny Board will be holding its Priorities and Resources Review Panels week commencing 9 December 2024. They will be discussing the Cabinet’s proposals in detail. The Board’s formal response to the consultation will be agreed at its meeting on 12 February 2025.

Having considered the feedback from the consultation (including from the Overview and Scrutiny Board), the Cabinet will agree its final budget proposals at its meeting on Tuesday 18 February 2025. This will start at 5:30pm, being held at the Town Hall, Torquay. This meeting will be open to the public to attend as well as live streamed on our YouTube channel.

The Council will then meet on Thursday 27 February 2025 to approve the revenue and capital budgets. Council Tax levels will be also set at the meeting as the Council has to wait for notifications from the Fire and Rescue Authority, the Police and Crime Commissioner and Brixham Town Council before setting the overall Council Tax for Torbay.

Details of the meetings when the budget proposals will be discussed are available on the meetings and decisions page.

Visit the meetings and decisions page

Download the budget reports