Our switchboard number (01803 201201) is currently unavailable, please use the direct department numbers
We are currently investigating this with our service provider, and will update you as soon as we can. Thank you for your patience.
Find out the location and facilities of these public toilets in Paignton.
Our switchboard number (01803 201201) is currently unavailable, please use the direct department numbers
We are currently investigating this with our service provider, and will update you as soon as we can. Thank you for your patience.
Please note the Healthmatic App is temporarily down while we finalise the release of an improved version. Thank you for your patience.
AddressGoodrington Sands Car Park, Tanners Road, Paignton, TQ4 6LN
This new block, which can be found in the car park in front of Quaywest, is a replacement for the original block that used to be next to the Inn on the Quay and is part of the council’s £1 million investment into modernising toilets across the Bay.
This toilet is open all year round - seven days a week 8am to 9pm in the summer and 8am to 6pm (8pm for the disabled toilet) in the winter.
This toilet has got disabled facilities.
This toilet has got baby changing facilities.
This toilet is pay-to-enter and has a charge of 30p. You can only make contactless payments at this facility.
Find out how we run our toilets including how often they are cleaned.
Download the Healthmatic Public Toilet App for details and locations of your closest public toilet.