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Breakwater Beach
Find out the location and facilities of these public toilets in Brixham.
Coronavirus update
Additional cleaning regimes and frequencies are in place in this facility and users will be asked to adhere to the guidance on display with regards to social distancing and hygiene, both before and after using the facilities.

AddressBreakwater Beach, Berry Head Road, Brixham, TQ5 9AF
This toilet is open all year round - seven days a week 8am to 9pm in the summer and 8am to 6pm in the winter.
Disabled facilities
This toilet has got disabled facilities.
Baby changing facilities
This toilet has got baby changing facilities.
This toilet is pay-to-enter and has a charge of 30p. You can pay with cash or contactless at this facility.
Find out how we run our toilets including how often they are cleaned.
Download the Healthmatic Public Toilet App for details and locations of your closest public toilet.
Contact Healthmatic Ltd
- Email:
- Tel: 01249 823143