We are responsible for undertaking domestic homicide review (DHR) where the death of a person aged 16 or over has, or appears to have, resulted from violence, abuse or neglect by a relative, household member or someone s/he had been in an intimate relationship with.

The purpose of a DHR is to consider the circumstances that led to the death and identify where responses to the situation could be improved in the future. In so doing, the lessons learned will be taken on board by the professionals and agencies involved, such as the police, social services, councils, and other community based organisations.

A review panel, lead by an independent chair, is commissioned to do the DHR and a panel overseeing the review is made up of members of local statutory and voluntary agencies. This panel will review each agency’s review of their involvement in the case and consider recommendations to improve responses to domestic violence in the future. They will also have the chance to hear from family, friends and work colleagues who may be able to help us understand the impact of agency’s involvement with the victim or the perpetrator.

DHRs are not inquiries into how someone died or who is to blame. They are not part of any disciplinary process. They do not replace, but will be in addition to, an inquest or any other form of inquiry into the homicide.
In this way, agencies will improve their responses to domestic violence and work better together to prevent such tragedies occurring in the future. Through our website, we will publish the reports and findings of these reviews as they become available.

Male R was killed on 28 December 2011 by his then partner, Female K, a 45 year old woman. Female K was found guilty of murder on 29 of May 2012 and was sentenced to a minimum of 13 years imprisonment.

Author: Jim Connelly-Webster 
Dated: July 2016

Domestic Homicide Review DHR01
Executive summary from the review following the death of Male R.

Mrs A was killed in March 2013 by her husband, Mr B.

Authors: Bob Spencer and Vicky Booty
Dated: July 2014

Domestic Homicide Review DHR02

DHR03 followed the death of a mother and her two children in July 2013. It was jointly agreed between the Torbay Safeguarding Children Board, Torbay Safeguarding Adults Board  and Community Safety Partnership that a Serious Case Review would be the most appropriate method of identifying lessons to be learnt from this incident without the need for an additional DHR process.

Author: Jim Connelly-Webster and Lisa Jennings
Dated: November 2014

Eleanor took her own life in August 2015 and at the time of her death was living in a safe house provided by Torbay Domestic Abuse Service.

Author: Faye Kamara LLB, MSc
Dated: 31 July 2017

Domestic Homicide Review DHR04
Executive summary from the review following the death of Eleanor.
DHR04 Action Plan
Action plan and recommendations to be implemented as a result of Eleanor's death.

Anna was killed in June 2016 by her partner Tom. Tom was arrested and charged with Anna’s murder however was found deceased in his prison cell in September 2016, having taken his own life whilst on remand before he could stand trial for Anna’s murder.

Chair and Author of Overview Report: Alexandra Stuckey
Author of Executive Summary: Victoria McGeough
DHR concluded: November 2019

DHR05 Action Plan
Domestic Homicide Review DHR05 Executive Summary