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General Exception local transport plan

Standing Orders in Relation to Access to Information

Standing Order E14 – General Exception

Devon and Torbay Local Transport Plan Four 2025-2040

On 18 March 2025, the Cabinet is due to consider the final draft Devon and Torbay Local Transport Plan Four 2025-2040 and make recommendations to the newly formed Devon and Torbay Combined County Authority (CCA). The draft Plan has been subject to formal consultation across Devon and Torbay and Torbay Council is required via the Cabinet to endorse the final proposed Plan.

It will be a key decision but it has not been published in the Forward Plan 28 days before the decision is due to be taken as it had not been recognised that a Forward Plan entry needed to be submitted as the Document no longer formed part of the Council’s Policy Framework. It was published in the Forward Plan on 27 February 2025.

A delay in reaching a decision in relation to the Local Transport Plan for Devon and Torbay would prejudice the Council’s and the public’s interest and reduce the ability to draw down external funding from the Government to provide enhancements to the road and transport network in both Torbay and Council. In light of this it is impracticable to defer the decision until it has been included in the Forward Plan for 28 days.

Signed: June Gurry

Dated: 27 February 2025

The Overview and Scrutiny Co-ordinator has been informed, by this written notice, of this matter.

Copies of this written notice are available to the public outside the Town Hall, Torquay and on the Council’s website.