ePetition details

Give cyclists a provision as part of the delivery of the current Harbour Public Realm Project

We the undersigned petition the council to Fulfill their obligation to cyclists as road users by creating a designated space within the paved area as part of The Strand: Harbour Public Realm regeneration and improvement project. Since the decision was taken to remove the segregated cycleway from the road with no alternative they are forced into direct conflict with motorists. This is not suitable or safe in this busy area. What needs to be created is a segregated, designated 'lane' within the paved area. Or as a last option the entire paved area should be designated as a mixed use paved area with clear signage for all to 'share with care'. Although not the ideal solution, it is safer to mix cyclists with pedestrians, rather than vehicles. If this project fails to deliver an improvement in cycling infrastructure, as is the current plan, it goes against both Torbay Council and the Department for Transport policy.

Since the segregated cycleway was scrapped the new plans give no safe provision for cyclists and bring them into direct conflict with motorists.

Previously, when the road was a dual carriageway, vehicles had ample space to be able to overtake. The current plans for the harbourside have worsened the provision for cyclists and are not acceptable.

None of this supports Torbay Council's own stated desires to encourage active tourism and increase active travel uptake.

Cyclists now have two options - to cycle very defensively - taking the lane and holding up traffic in this busy area or to dismount and wheel their bike through this section. For some cyclists, their bike is their mobility aid so this second option is discriminatory against them. For many, the road will feel unsafe and so they will choose to cycle on the pavement anyway.

We call on Torbay Council to act as a progressive, supportive organisation and encourage cycling of all ages through Torquay. This will also benefit motorists as it gives cyclists the choice to come off the road when it is not appropriate.

This ePetition ran from 20/07/2024 to 20/08/2024 and has now finished.

76 people signed this ePetition.