Agenda and minutes

Venue: Burdett Room, Riviera International Conference Centre, Chestnut Avenue, Torquay TQ2 5LZ

Contact: Governance Support 


No. Item


Apologies for absence

To receive apologies for absence, including notifications of any changes to the membership of the Committee.


It was reported that, in accordance with the wishes of the Independent Group, the membership of the Committee had been amended to include Councillor Virdee in place of Councillor Cowell.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 349 KB

To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting of this Committee held on 24 July 2023.


The minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 24 July 2023 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairwoman.


Singleton Gardens, Torquay (P/2022/1186) pdf icon PDF 911 KB

Erection of 7 apartments, 2 attached dwellings and extensions/refurbishments to an existing dwelling; plus associated landscaping and access work.


The Committee considered an application for the erection of 7 apartments, 2 attached dwellings and extensions/refurbishments to an existing dwelling; plus associated landscaping and access work.


Prior to the meeting, Members of the Planning Committee undertook a site visit and written representations were available on the Council’s website.  At the meeting Mr David Redman addressed the Committee against the application and Mr Mike Cowdery, Chair of Wellswood Community Partnership, at Madam Chairman’s discretion, addressed the Committee against the application.  Mr Horder addressed the Committee on behalf of the Torquay Neighbourhood Plan Forum against the application.  Mr Julian Bishop addressed the Committee in support of the application and Ms Ann Hodson, at Madam Chairman’s discretion, addressed the Committee in support of the application.


At the meeting the Planning Officer advised, that since the report had been published a further twenty objections had been received together with two additional letters of support.  However, no new material planning considerations had been raised that were not already covered within the submitted report.




That the application be refused for the following reasons:


1.    The proposal, in the absence of a completed S106 Legal Agreement, fails to secure the necessary provision of affordable housing, contrary to Policy H2 of the Adopted Torbay Local Plan 2012-2030 and the guidance contained within the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).  The applicant's offer of a contribution of £65,000 towards off-site affordable housing is inadequate and fails to comply with Policy H2.


2.    Given the siting, scale, massing and design of the proposal as a whole, the development would fail to reflect local distinctiveness as well as fail to relate acceptably to the Lincombes Conservation Area. The proposal will result in the development of the existing garden which provides an open aspect within the Conservation Area to the detriment of this designated heritage asset. Overall the proposal is considered to fail to conserve or enhance the distinctive character and appearance of the Lincombes Conservation Area and would lead to harm to the designated heritage asset which is not outweighed by public benefit. The proposal is therefore contrary to Policies DE1 and SS10 of the Adopted Local Plan 2012-2030, Policy TH8 of the Adopted Torquay Neighbourhood Plan 2012-2030 and the guidance contained within the NPPF, in particular Paragraphs 130, 134, 199 and 202.



Molly Malones, Paignton (P/2023/0190) pdf icon PDF 261 KB

Erection of roof canopy with rooflights and glazing to enclose existing terrace; construction of WC building; new decking area to North and installation of solar panels.


The Committee considered an application for the erection of roof canopy with rooflights and glazing to enclose existing terrace; construction of WC building; new decking area to North and installation of solar panels.


Prior to the meeting, Members of the Planning Committee undertook a site visit and written representations were available on the Council’s website.  Mr Hank Hendriksen addressed the Committee in support of the application and confirmed that since receiving the planning officer’s report, the applicant had explored a proposed alternative location for waste and refuse storage which was situated to the east of the toilet block and would be within an enclosed structure hidden from public view. 


In accordance with Standing Order B4.1 Councillor Chris Lewis addressed the Committee in support of the application.




That the application be deferred.




1.         to allow the application to be amended to extend the red line on the submitted site boundary plans to include the proposed replacement location for waste and recycling storage.



43 Thatcher Avenue, Torquay (P/2023/0390) pdf icon PDF 480 KB

Roof alterations from hipped to flat roof, to create first floor extension with first floor balcony to the front, replacement balustrade to the existing terrace and changes to fenestration.


The Committee considered an application for roof alterations from hipped to flat roof, to create first floor extension with first floor balcony to the front, replacement balustrade to the existing terrace and changes to fenestration.


The Planning Officer advised that the application had previously been deferred in order to obtain further information as to whether the proposed thickness of the floor could be reduced together with the proposed height of the ceiling and revised plans submitted.  Members were informed that the applicant had now submitted amended plans which showed the external height of the proposal reduced to 8.35m, resulting in a 0.6m decrease from the proposal shown previously. The internal floors had also been reduced in thickness and the first floor parapet now measured 0.49m approximately, resulting in a decrease of 0.28m and the second floor internal floor thickness now measured 0.48m approximately, resulting in a decrease of 0.22m.


The Planning Officer advised Members that three of the windows to the rear northwestern elevation had been obscurely glazed to protect neighbouring amenity and that one window which served a non-habitable hallway remained non-glazed.


At the meeting Mr Kevin Salteraddressed the Committee against the application. Mr Horder addressed the Committee on behalf of the Torquay Neighbourhood Forum.  Mr Shaun Davey addressed the Committee in support of the application.




Approved subject to:


1.    The conditions outlined in the submitted report with the final drafting of conditions delegated to the Divisional Director of Planning, Housing and Climate Emergency.


2.    The resolution of any new material considerations that may come to light following Planning Committee to be delegated to the Divisional Director of Planning, Housing and Climate Emergency, including the addition of any necessary further planning conditions or obligations.