Planning Committee
Purpose of committee
The Planning Committee (formerly known as the Development Management Committee) is comprised of 9 members of the Council with membership including, if reasonably possible, members from the various areas of the Borough.
To encourage more people to engage in our public meetings the Council is trialling live streaming our Planning Committee meetings on our YouTube channel in addition to recording the meetings and publishing the recording on our website. To watch the meeting live please visit
We are also trialling hybrid meeting arrangements to give registered speakers the opportunity to either attend the meeting in person to give their views or to attend the meeting remotely via Zoom. If you would like to attend the meeting remotely to speak you will be provided with a Zoom link to join the meeting.
If you wish to speak on any applications shown on the agenda, please contact Governance Support on 207087 or email before 11 am on the day of the meeting.
- Councillor Martin Brook (Chairman)
- Councillor Adam Billings
- Councillor Mandy Darling
- Councillor Mike Fox (Vice-Chair)
- Councillor Nick Pentney
- Councillor Andrew Strang
- Councillor Anna Tolchard
- Councillor Ras Virdee
Contact information
Support officer: Governance Support.
Postal address:
Torbay Council
Town Hall
Castle Circus
Phone: 01803 207087
Web site:
Contact Governance Support
- Email:
- Tel: 01803 207087
- Fax: 01803 207112
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