Venue: Meadfoot Room, Town Hall, Castle Circus, Torquay, TQ1 3DR
Contact: Governance Support
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence To receive apologies for absence, including notifications of any changes to the membership of the Committee. Minutes: It was reported that, in accordance with the wishes of the Independent Group, the membership of the Committee had been amended to include Councillor Brown in place of Councillor Mills. |
To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting of this Committee held on 16 January 2023. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 16 January 2023 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. |
Land North of Totnes Road, Collaton St Mary, Paignton (P 2022 0888) PDF 809 KB
Reserved matters relating to P/2019/0281 (Up to 100 dwellings) - relating to (i) layout, (ii) scale, (iii) appearance and; (iv) landscaping.
Minutes: The Committee previously considered the application for reserved matters on 16 January 2023 relating to P/2019/0281 (Up to 100 dwellings) - in respect of layout, scale, appearance; and landscaping. The application was deferred so that further information and clarity could be provided in relation to ecology, drainage, and highways/parking matters.
At the meeting the Planning Officer advised that the County Ecologist confirmed that the documents submitted with the reserved matters application were sufficient; that the conditions placed on the outline consent ensured compliance with the approved documents and that no further ecological conditions were required at reserved matters phase.
In respect of drainage matters, the Planning Officer confirmed that the developer had submitted drawings and hydraulic calculations for the surface water drainage system including private drainage. The drainage engineer had confirmed that the surface water drainage system was acceptable and had been designed in order that no properties on the development site or any properties or land adjacent to the development site were at risk of flooding for the critical 1 in 100 year storm event plus 50% for climate change. The attenuated system would provide a controlled discharge rate to a designated sewer, with discharge into the Yalberton watercourse. As the surface water run-off from the proposed development was likely to impact on the Yalberton watercourse within the flood alleviation scheme, a contribution to the funding for the flood alleviation scheme would be secured from the developer through a Section106 legal agreement in the sum of £91,500.
The Planning Officer also advised that the Highway Authority had confirmed in writing that the development did not require emergency access to accord with the adopted highway design guide, although the Planning Officer highlighted that there was an ambition to create a link to Borough Park Road for emergency access if required for further development. Revised plans had been received following confirmation from the Highway Authority as to the extent of the highway adoption regarding the east – west links and a request that assigned spaces were removed from the plans. A pedestrian/cycle link at the eastern edge of the site was now included. The Highway Authority had also confirmed the required size of streetside parking spaces on the southern road and the extent of suggested adoption and revised plans reflected that request. Parking spaces had been revised to ensure that dwellings 8 to 11 had two parking spaces and that all dwellings had access to electric charging points in accordance with the Local Plan. The Highway Authority had asked for a financial obligation to facilitate the offsite link to the east of the site towards Borough Park Road and confirmation had been received from the applicant that they were willing to secure the obligation through a Section106 legal agreement in the sum of £25,000.
At the meeting Mr Graham White addressed the Committee against the application. Mr Andrew Rowe addressed the Committee in support of the application.
Resolved (unanimously):
Approved subject to:
1. Section106 legal agreement to deliver:
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