Find out about the strategy which is a result of a significant review of heritage in Torbay
We adopted a new Torbay Heritage Strategy in November 2020. We joined with Torbay Culture and TDA to commission an independent heritage consultancy. This is the Heritage Arts People (HAP) and the aim is to update the local area’s heritage strategy.
Over 800 local people engaged in this process. This included more than two dozen organisations and partnerships. Some of those involved were:
In shaping the strategy, we have worked with the two national lead bodies for heritage. These are Historic England and the National Lottery Heritage Fund.
The strategy is in two parts. The strategy in part one, and the appendix, provides prioritisation and themes taken from consultation. The purpose of the new strategy is to clarify our approach to heritage. It is also to enable us to develop plans for specific locations. The new documents set out statutory requirements, for example:
It all aligns with existing plans and strategies including:
The Torbay Heritage Strategy includes objectives for managing and protecting heritage assets. It is a tool to involve and inspire:
All whilst recognising Torbay’s wide ranging internationally recognised heritage.