If someone has ever hurt your mind or your body, that's not OK. Domestic and sexual violence and abuse are not OK, even if they take place within a family or intimate relationship. No one has the right to hurt another person or have sex with them, without their consent.

If this is the case we would like to hear from you about your experiences by completing a questionnaire at www.areyouok.co.uk/articles/dasvsurvey

The same survey also covers rape and sexual assault and we would like to hear from you if this has been your experience, either by a stranger or by someone you knew, or by someone who should have loved and cared for you. Your comments and reflections will help us improve the way that we help others.

We recognise that recalling abusive experiences may be difficult. If you need to talk to someone about what's happened to you, or if completing this questionnaire triggers bad feelings and memories for you and you need some help, please visit www.areyouok.co.uk

If someone is hurting you right now, please contact Devon and Cornwall Police on telephone 101 (non-emergency number) or 999 (emergency calls only). The contact details for other organisations and groups offering domestic and sexual abuse help and support are available at www.areyouok.co.uk/directory

The survey should take between 10 and 15 minutes to complete. When completing it, you may find that some questions don’t apply to you and that’s ok. Please take this opportunity to tell us what you think will help us to help others based on your own personal experiences. Your responses will help us to help other people, by providing the services that are the most needed in Torbay.

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