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Healthcare Emergency Badge

How to apply for a parking badge if you work in healthcare services and attend medical emergencies in patients' homes.

Due to a change in notice processing system, the following online services will be unavailable from 12pm on Monday 3 February 2025 until 10am on Wednesday 5 February 2025:

• Applying for or renewing parking permits
• Paying a penalty charge notice (other payment methods will still be available)
• Challenging a penalty charge notice

Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.

Please be aware that parking permits are non-refundable.

Please note the permit application process can take up to 15 working days once all evidence that is required has been received.

The healthcare emergency badge (HEB) scheme is for organisations who administer emergency care to those who are in need of medical or other care services primarily to people who are housebound.

Organisations within the healthcare services, may apply for a badge and clock (similar to the current disabled blue badge) which allows the holder to park on a yellow line restriction for up to 1 hour providing there is no loading/unloading ban in place at the location. Eligible services include:

  • GPs
  • District Nurses
  • Midwives
  • Meals on Wheels
  • Care workers providing services to people in their own homes


You can apply for a HEB or renewal by completing an application form and sending it us along with the correct fee.

  Download a healthcare emergency badge application

Please ensure you allow up to 14 working days for applications to be processed.


The fee for a HEB is £15.

Please be advised that postal orders will no longer be accepted, only business cheques.

This page was last updated over three months ago

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