The Welfare Support Scheme helps Torbay residents meet an essential need. It also aims to assist Torbay residents who need support to establish themselves or maintain their independence in the community.

There are a number of organisations in Torbay that can help with food, gas and electric costs therefore we are unable to provide additional financial support for these.

Who can we help?

To be considered for Welfare Support, you must:

  • be over 15 years of age
  • live in Torbay
  • be on a welfare benefit or have very low disposable income

You may be asked to provide proof of your income, your bank details and other evidence depending on the support you apply for. If you are not in receipt of a Welfare Benefit, please make sure that you list your income and expenditure fully on the application form.

The welfare support scheme can also consider applications for things such as:

  • Essential monthly expenditure, which cannot be deferred
  • Essential furniture and white goods (only if setting up home for the first time)
  • Boiler repair
  • Rent in advance
  • Deposit
  • Essential prescriptions (if you are not exempt: Who can get free prescriptions - NHS (
  • Other immediate support necessary for the fundamental wellbeing of the applicant and family
  • Signposting to essential advice and support services

Supporting Evidence

If you are not on a benefit (including Universal Credit) we will need to see a bank statement that shows your income

  Submit your supporting documents

Supplying your evidence

Please either:

  • Upload it using the link above
  • Email it to 
  • Post it to Welfare Support, Torbay Council, Torquay Town Hall, Castle Circus, TQ1 3DR
  • Put it in the Welfare Support postbox on the corner of the Town Hall

Please make sure to include your name and address when supplying your evidence.

What happens once I submit my application?

The Welfare support team may call or email you to discuss your application and any supporting evidence we need. Some details of your claim may be checked with the Department of Work and Pensions and other council departments.

Wherever possible, goods and services will be provided. Any help given from the Welfare Support Scheme does not have to be repaid.

Second-hand furniture stores and Charities such as Refurnish 01626 362313 stock items that are offered at a discounted price for those on certain benefits.

Please ensure you provide us with a contact phone number and an email address if at all possible.


If you are unhappy with a decision we make about your application you can ask us to look at it.

Extra help with Council Tax

If you get Council Tax Support you can claim extra help with your Council Tax. A downloadable claim form is available.

  Download claim form

Discretionary Housing Payments (DHP) and Council Tax Discretionary awards.


Free Home Energy Assessment with Exeter Community Energy (ECOE)

Take advantage of a complimentary home energy assessment offered by ECOE and enjoy the following benefits:

  • Reduce Energy and Household Bills: Learn how to lower your energy consumption and save money on your bills.
  • Access Grants and Schemes: Discover available grants and schemes that can enhance the comfort of your home.
  • Assistance with Bill Tariffs and Supplier/Meter Issues: Get expert help to navigate complex tariff plans and resolve any supplier or meter-related problems.
  • Crisis Support: In times of need, access crucial support services including fuel vouchers, white goods replacements, and debt advice.

Get Started