The Council has approved the 2020/21 budget for 2020/21. We continue to face financial pressures as a result of a reduction in our central government Revenue Support Grant from £42 million to £6.5 million in the last seven years and increasing demand on high cost services such as social care. The Council needed to find £10.5 million of savings to balance next year’s budget – so difficult decisions had to be made.
Over 870 people and organisations responded to the consultation. As a result of the feedback, the Cabinet amended its proposals and these have now been approved. Details can be found in the Cabinet’s response below.
Budget Proposals 2020/2021 - Cabinet’s response to consultation
Provides the Cabinet’s response to the consultation and the amended budget proposals.
Provides the Cabinet’s response to the consultation and the amended budget proposals.
Consultation Report
Report of the public consultation carried out on the 2020/2021 budget proposals.
Report of the public consultation carried out on the 2020/2021 budget proposals.
Proposals for Efficiencies, Income Generation and Service Change
Sets out the details of the Cabinet’s proposals for efficiencies, income generation and service change in order to achieve a balanced budget for 2020/2021. Where a proposal has been assessed as having a material impact on service users, a draft Equality Impact Assessment has been prepared.
Sets out the details of the Cabinet’s proposals for efficiencies, income generation and service change in order to achieve a balanced budget for 2020/2021. Where a proposal has been assessed as having a material impact on service users, a draft Equality Impact Assessment has been prepared.
Chief Finance Officer’s Report
Provides technical details to support the Cabinet’s budget proposals for 2020/21.
Provides technical details to support the Cabinet’s budget proposals for 2020/21.
Capital Plan 2020/2021
This explains which capital schemes the Council plans to fund over the coming year.
This explains which capital schemes the Council plans to fund over the coming year.
Proposed Fees and Charges
The Cabinet’s proposals for the fees and charges for 2020/2021.
The Cabinet’s proposals for the fees and charges for 2020/2021.
Proposed Revenue Budget Digest 2020/2021
Provides a description of what each Council service does and how much it is proposed to spend next year, including how much income each service is expected to receive.
Provides a description of what each Council service does and how much it is proposed to spend next year, including how much income each service is expected to receive.
Review of Reserves
Provides information about the Council’s financial reserves.
Provides information about the Council’s financial reserves.
Capital Strategy
Sets out the principles to be used in the allocation of capital investment across the Council’s services and informs decisions on capital spending priorities.
Sets out the principles to be used in the allocation of capital investment across the Council’s services and informs decisions on capital spending priorities.
Report from the Overview and Scrutiny Board
Setting out the recommendations in relation to the budget consultation.
Setting out the recommendations in relation to the budget consultation.
Medium Term Resource Plan
This is the key financial planning document and supports the Council in ensuring it can plan effectively for the use of resources in the medium term.
This is the key financial planning document and supports the Council in ensuring it can plan effectively for the use of resources in the medium term.