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The Big Plan for Learning Disabilities

Find out how we are working together to make Torbay a better place to live for people with learning disabilities

The Torbay Learning Disability Partnership Board Ambassadors have told us about the things that are important to the lives of people in Torbay.

They include:

  • having a home for life which is good quality and where families can grow together
  • work and volunteering
  • being safe at home and in the community
  • having good Doctors’ and good health care
  • relationships
  • hobbies and activities
  • having enough money and not worrying about money
  • being independent
  • care and support in the way it is needed, at a reasonable cost and to have people around to help
  • family and friends - ”money isn’t everything, it’s about family and friends”
  • feeling part of the community and having people around
  • help when it is needed for self and others and not having to wait for ages

We know it takes time, but it is important that things happen and changes are made.

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“The Big Plan” has been written to make sure that people work together to make things better for people with learning disabilities in Torbay. “The Big Plan” tells everyone what changes need to be made.

It is part of the Adult Social Care Strategy which plans to have “Thriving Communities where people can prosper”.

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Working together

  • We will treat people with respect
  • We will make sure people have as much choice as possible.
  • We will make sure people have control over their life and their decisions.
  • We will make sure that people with learning disabilities, their family and carers are included in activities, services and policies.
  • We will make sure people are given their Rights.
  • We will make sure that people can say what they want to (have a voice) and that they understand the community they live in.

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The Learning Disability Partnership Board

The Learning Disability Partnership Board has to make sure that Torbay follows the information in Valuing People (2001) and Valuing People Now (2009).

Valuing People was written by the Government. It says what should happen to make life better for people with learning disabilities.

The Partnership Board is made up of Ambassadors, carers reps and people who make decisions in important local statutory, community and voluntary services.

The Board has to make sure that everyone is working together to help people with learning disabilities

  • Stay safe
  • Stay healthy
  • Live well

The Partnership Board aims to

  • Promote the Rights, Independence, Choice and inclusion for people in Torbay to be equal members of the community.
  • Work with partners and people who have to make decisions, to make sure that Valuing People Now happens.
  • Make sure that the local community understands that people with learning disabilities have the same rights as everyone else

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What is in The Big Plan?

The Big Plan has been split into 6 areas:

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Making The Big Plan happen in Torbay

Making The Big Plan happen will take time.

It could take 5 years.

The Torbay Learning Disability Partnership Board will agree the actions to be completed each year.

This means that everyone can really help to make change happen.

The Partnership Board will write an annual report about the work that has been done and the progress that has been made.

The Adult Social Care Strategic Commissioning Team will write the actions and report on behalf of the Partnership Board.

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Other plans and strategies

There will be actions which other groups need to take to make sure The Big Plan happens.

It is important for everyone to work together to make change happen.

The annual report will need to include information from other plans too.

The other plans include the plan for One Devon, Learning Disability and Autism Partnership Strategic Approach 2023 - 2028.

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Reasonable Adjustments Small changes - Big differences

Reasonable adjustments are small changes which the law says must be made so that disabled people can use services as easily as everyone else.

They may be small changes but they make a big difference to the lives of people with learning disabilities.

Having reasonable adjustments can help people to take part in their community, give them more independence, get better health care and live longer.

Services which must be provided (statutory) should be showing other organisations how to make reasonable adjustments so everyone can see how important they are and what a difference they make.

The work on The Big Plan will include reasonable adjustments in everything that happens.

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Co-production is when people work together to make something happen.

The Big Plan is based on co-production because it is very important for everyone to work together.

Co-production includes:

  • Consultation - this is when people are asked about their ideas.
  • Co-design - this is when everyone is included in the design and planning of services.
  • Co-delivery - being employed or volunteering in providing a service.
  • Co-evaluation - everyone reviewing a service together.

Co-production should include:

  • People who make decisions
  • People who use services
  • Families and carers
  • People who provide services.

Each part of The Big Plan will include information about how actions will be co-produced.

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Policy and legislation (Laws)

The Big Plan includes work which the Government has written about and made laws about.

These include:

  • Valuing People (2001)
  • Valuing People Now ( 2009)
  • The Human Rights Act (1998)
  • The Equality Act ( 2010)
  • The Social Care Act (2014)
  • The Health and Care Act (2022)
  • The Mental Capacity Act (2005) and Ammendment(2019).
  • The Accessible Information Standard (2017)
  • The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with disabilities.
  • Learning from lives and deaths—people with a Learning Disability and Autism (LeDeR).

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What will be checked in The Big Plan?

The Learning Disability Partnership Board will check that the actions that have been agreed have been done.

The Adult Social Care Strategic Commissioning Team will work with the Partnership Board to check everything is being done. The checks and reports will be given to the Board so that everyone knows how it is working.

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More information

For more information please contact us: 

Town Hall
Castle Circus

01803 201201

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