Our Medical Tuition Service is a place where self-development, self-awareness and well-being are at the core of what we do. These elements sit at the forefront of our setting. Without them long term academic achievement might not be an option for our young people as a result of their medical needs. The safety and wellness of our students is our greatest priority. Nurturing and removing barriers to learning is central to our environment as a result.

We are a supportive stepping-stone for young people who have agreed health issues. These issues mean they can’t attend mainstream or suitable alternative provision. Our offer is one that aims to help them in successful future transitions and reintegration. For Key Stages 3 and 4, that offer holds a limited number of places on-site at Parkfield, Paignton.

For all stages and ages of learning we have our outreach offer, Reach. This means we can offer transitions in any location. These locations include:

  • Torbay Hospital.
  • The on-roll school.
  • Online.
  • The community.
  • In some cases, the home.

Those transitions can help with:

  • a return to mainstream education or to alternative specialist provision
  • a move into further education
  • entry into the world of work
  • a re-establishment of place in family or society

We are not a holding-pen. We want to ensure progress and reintegration in every area of educational life. We support all our students in being included in whichever type of educational setting will be the most suitable for their needs. We work hard to support students in their future pathways. We place great value on teaching:

  • resilience
  • self-care
  • grit
  • independence
  • stickability
  • general skills

This is to support student ability to face the challenge across our Curriculum Model. This model goes hand in hand with that of the on-roll school.

Our places are not permanent. We prepare students for the next steps and give them the skills to access wider life and learning. This is our priority.

The high rate of student mobility at MTS makes it a constantly moving and adapting service. This context requires a curriculum and pastoral model to reflect that. This means the learning journey for every student is truly bespoke.

Our blended Curriculum and Pastoral offers are varied and individualised. We take each student’s needs into account as the driving force with every entry or Reach referral. We design the curriculum based on each admission. We ensure that the learning pathway for every student at MTS is tailored to:

  • meet specific need
  • respect health recommendations
  • develop the learner as a whole