MTS are Torbay’s pioneer users of the AV1 robots, created and supported by a company called No Isolation. AV1 robots are designed to enable children and young adults with long-term illnesses to reconnect with the school and their social lives.

The robot is placed on a desk in the classroom– the child controls it remotely using a phone or a tablet, turning its camera to view the classroom and interact with their teacher and other students. The child is able to join the lesson fully by listening, watching, asking questions and participating in class discussions. AV1 is designed to be carried between classes and outside, making it easier for young people to reconnect with their peers.

MTS currently deploy a number of robots across Torbay to support young people who cannot physically attend school - whether they are self-isolating, fighting a long-term or chronic illness or engaging in long term rehabilitation.

Watch the video about AV1 in the classroom

Contact our Reach Coordinator, Natasa Hawksley to find out more, request a demonstration or make an application to hire one of our AV1 robots at