MTS is here to put young people with agreed health issues into a position where they can access full-time education.

Our Context

Torbay MTS is a small setting with a big heart, providing a wide range of educational, therapeutic and reintegration opportunities for young people who possess medical need in Torbay. The majority of our cohort are unable to attend their on-roll school as a result of their complex medical needs and have a history of poor attendance and slow progress as a direct result. Their place at MTS relies upon meeting strict Admissions criteria, which then informs the bespoke curriculum and therapeutic offer that is designed for each individual.

Our Uniqueness

All learning at MTS begins with a safe transition into the setting in the first instance, achieved through the removal of the barriers to learning our young people face. A skilled team facilitate the removal of those barriers and support each student in a gradual transition into MTS, baseline assessment on entry, and then engagement in our blended, individualised offer. Depending on need, each student will gradually become integrated into our learning community and be embraced by our Beyond Learning vision. This vision will carry them through their learning journey at MTS, and simultaneously prepare them for future transitions and positive reintegration.

We are not a holding pen; we are facilitation for progress in every area of life. We work relentlessly to support students in their future reintegration. The high rate of student mobility at MTS makes it a constantly moving and changing setting, which requires a curriculum and therapeutic model to reflect that so that the learning journey for every student is truly bespoke.

We place great value on teaching resilience, self-care, grit, independence, “stickability” and problem-facing skills across our curriculum model. Our places are not permanent, and we make students’ preparation for reintegration, next steps and ability to access wider life and learning our priority.

Our Intent

MTS is a place where self-development, awareness and well-being are at the core of what we do. Without these elements sitting at the forefront of our provision, long-term academic achievement would not be an option for our young people as a result of their medical needs. The safety and wellness of our students is our greatest priority and nurture and removing barriers is central to our environment as a result.

We are a supportive stepping-stone for young people currently unable to attend mainstream or suitable alternative as a result of medical need, and our offer is one that facilitates them in successful future transitions and integration. Those transitions might be a return to mainstream, settling in at a suitable alternative, a move to Further Education, entry into the world of work, or a re-establishment of place in family or society.

MTS' Visions and Values

Beyond Learning

  • We recognise and value the potential in all of our students and only model ‘can-do’ attitudes.
  • We strive to develop the whole learner, beyond their academic achievement alone.
  • Caring for and preparing our young people to lead and maintain healthy lifestyles and attitudes is at the forefront of what we do.
  • We go beyond learning, in order for all of our students to become confident with their place in the world of education; work; society; family; community and beyond through a rigorous and bespoke learning and reintegration programme.
  • We welcome our learners into MTS with a carefully designed and supportive curriculum that will enable their academic achievement now, whilst simultaneously facilitating our young people in developing the life skills they’ll need to become independent, well-rounded, happy, healthy and successful individuals in the future.

Jessica Hunter
Specialist Leader in Education