We provide a variety of training courses for all governors, associate members and clerks. A training programme is offered on a termly basis through our subsciption service.
Subscribing schools have free access to all courses in the published programme including new governor induction and introductory courses on governing body responsibilities for personnel and finance. Additional bespoke sessions can be negotiated but this can only cover topics not included in the published programme.
We offer annual training to new and aspiring Chairs of governing bodies or committees, and regular update sessions for Clerks. Training for new clerks is available either in small groups or on a one-to-one basis.
We also will arrange briefing sessions, when necessary, and sessions on topical isses.
Online training
Schools subscribing to Governing Body Support are also offered the opportunity of subscribing to get online governor training at a much reduced rate. Here, governors can acccess a variety of modules covering a range of useful topics and further information on roles and responsibilites. Your clerk to governors will know if your school subscribes.
New governor induction
This course is free to all new governors and associate members from subscribing schools and sessions are arranged every term.
All new governors and associate members who have been recently elected or appointed are strongly encouraged to attend this training. The aim of the course is to properly equip goverrnors for their role by looking at how governing bodies work and to introduce them to their various responsibilities. It is intended to complement in-school induction by increasing knowledge and confidence, sharing good practice and providing plenty of opportunities to ask questions.
The new governor induction course is a two part course, all of which new governors should attend. Courses are offered as evening sessions and governors are encouraged to access this training very soon after appointment or election. Governors attending induction courses receive a certificate only after completing both induction modules.
9160Training for school governors for the Spring Term 2016.
Email govbodysupport@torbay.gov.uk or telephone 01803 207881 if you are a governor at more than one school, it is important that you indicate on behalf of which school you will be attending.