Headteachers have been told by the Government not to authorise any absence from school unless there is an ‘exceptional' circumstance. You must get permission from the headteacher if you want to take your child out of school for a holiday in term time.
It’s up to the headteacher on how many days your child can be away from school if it is granted.
Applying for absence
Always consult the school before booking travel for holidays in term time, as permission may not be granted. A leave of absence form should be completed and handed into the school for consideration.
If the school refuses a request for term-time leave and the child is still taken out of school, this will be recorded as unauthorised absence. Parents/carers who take their child out of school without authorisation could be given a Penalty Notice per child, per parent/carer, or be summonsed to Court contrary to s444 Education Act 1996.