Torbay channel panel multi-agency escalation process
Effective working together depends on an open approach and honest relationships between agencies. Problem solving and resolution is an integral part of professional co-operation and joint working in providing effective support to individuals who are at risk of being drawn into terrorism.
Transparency, openness and a willingness to understand and respect individual and agency views are a core aspect of multi-agency/inter-agency working. However, there may be occasions where Channel members disagree on how best to meet its aims and objectives in providing support.
Disagreements can arise in a number of areas, but are most likely to arise around:
Torbay Council is clear that there must be respectful challenge whenever a professional or agency has a concern about the action or inaction of another. The aim must be to resolve a professional disagreement at the earliest possible stage, keeping the individual who has been referred into Channel at the centre of the discussion.
The people who disagree should have a discussion to try to resolve the problem, unless the individual is at immediate risk (see below). The Channel chair must be alerted to the dispute and support the discussion. This discussion must take place as soon as possible and could be a telephone conversation, virtual or face to face meeting. It should be recognised that differences in status and/or experience may affect the confidence of some workers to pursue this unsupported.
Note: Where there is an immediate risk the issue should be escalated straight to the senior managers in the relevant agencies and the relevant process/policy followed.
If the problem is not resolved and concerns remain within 5 working days, the worker should contact their supervisor / line manager / safeguarding lead within their own agency to consider the issue raised, what outcome they would like to achieve and how differences can be addressed.
The line manager should contact their respective counterpart to try to negotiate an agreed way forward. This could involve a professionals meeting if deemed appropriate with the support of the Channel Chair.
If the issue is not resolved at stage two within 5 working days, the supervisor/ line manager reports to their manager or named/ lead safeguarding representative. These two senior managers of both individuals/organisations must liaise and attempt to resolve the professional differences through discussion.
If there is no resolution within 5 days, and having exhausted all other routes, the matter should be escalated to the Chair of the Torbay Community Safety Partnership Board. The escalation to CSP should be made via the senior manager (for each individual/agency) to the CSP Board.
The Chair may either seek to resolve the issue directly with the relevant senior managers, or convene a Dispute Resolution Meeting.
Clear records should be kept at all stages, by all parties. In particular this must include written confirmation between the parties about an agreed outcome of the disagreement and how any outstanding issues will be pursued. All records should be retained on the individual’s case file / agency database.
At each stage it is important that the person who originally raised the concern is given feedback on what action has been taken in response. It is the responsibility of the person to whom the issue is referred to ensure that clear and timely feedback is provided.
When the issue is resolved, any policy issues should be identified and referred to the Devon and Torbay Prevent Partnership Board to inform future learning and possible changes to existing policies, procedures or and/ or training.
Concerns relating to decisions, suspected wrongdoing or dangers at work within an agency, should be raised in line with each agency’s policies for dealing with such matters, including, but not limited to, those setting out the arrangements for ‘whistleblowing’.
Where a dispute involves a complaint about the behaviour or professional conduct of a worker, this should be reported initially to their line manager to action under agency policy. For allegations against staff, either the LADO should be contacted (Child protection concern), or the agency’s whistleblowing/complaints procedure used.
This policy does not replace the existing multi agency escalation policy procedures for the Torbay Safeguarding Children’s Partnership or the Torbay Safeguarding Adults Board.
Where concerns are in relation to a system or service issue, then these should be raised with the Channel chair in the first instance. The Channel chair will then work with the reporting agency in the consideration of appropriate communication and next steps to be taken with the relevant agency in a proportionate and effective manner.