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County Lines

County Lines is criminal exploitation of children, young people and vulnerable adults

County Lines refers to gangs and organised criminal networks that export drugs into different areas within the UK. They use dedicated mobile phone lines or other ‘deal lines’.

They are likely to exploit children and vulnerable adults. They use them as runners to move and store drugs and money. They often use:

  • coercion
  • intimidation
  • violence, including sexual violence
  • weapons


‘Cuckooing’ is a method associated with County Lines. Offenders take over the homes of local residents. They use these homes as a base to supply local drugs markets.

This method can often involve serious violence, coercion and manipulation. They often target vulnerable people such as:

  • drug users
  • single mothers
  • people with learning disabilities

Spot the signs

Children often don’t see themselves as victims. They don't realise they have been groomed to get involved in criminality. It is important that we all play our part to understand County Lines and speak out if we have concerns.

A young person involved in County Lines activity may show some of these signs:

  • Often going missing from school, home or care.
  • Travelling to different locations.
  • Being found in areas they have no obvious connections with. Including seaside or market towns.
  • Unwillingness to explain their whereabouts.
  • Getting money, clothes, accessories or mobile phones.
  • Receiving excessive texts or phone calls at all hours of the day.
  • Having lots of different mobile phone handsets or sim cards.
  • Withdrawing or having sudden changes in personality, behaviour or the language they use.
  • Having relationships with controlling or older individuals and groups.
  • Unexplained injuries.
  • Carrying weapons.
  • Significant decline in school results or performance.
  • Being isolated from peers or social networks.
  • Associating with, or an interest in, gang culture.
  • Self-harming or having significant changes in mental health.

What to do if you have concerns

You should always report concerns in relation to potential County Lines. No matter how small, if you see something suspicious, report it

  • In an emergency, or if you or someone else is in immediate danger, you should always call 999.

Concerns about a child:

Concerns about an adult:

  • Contact the Torbay Safeguarding Adults Single Point of Contact Team on 01803 219700. Monday to Friday, 9.00 am to 5.00 pm.
  • Emergency Duty Service on 0300 4564 876. Outside of the above hours, weekends and bank holidays.
  • Email -

Devon and Cornwall Police:

If you don't want to give your details you can contact CrimeStoppers online or call them on 0800 555111.