Minutes of the Torbay Bus Enhanced Partnership Board (EPB) meeting held on 20 September 2024
The Chair welcomed all to the meeting.
Introductions from Nick Reid (GWR) and Marc Jones (Torbay Council: Guest speaker RE Torquay Harbourside and The Strand Road closure).
Link to the previous meeting: Minutes of meeting 9 February 2024 - Torbay Council
Motion passed: Moved Adam Billings. Seconded Ben Banks. That the minutes of the Torbay Bus Enhanced Partnership Board (EBP) held on the 9 February 2024 be confirmed as a true and accurate record.
Post minute notes: Please be advised that this Item was discussed for informational purposes only and therefore final works programme and/or bus service diversions/disruption information is subject to change.
There will be a Traffic Management System and the area will be two way traffic controlled until mid-October. Then there will be a road closure for approximately 6 to 7 weeks, with the scope to extend into December. The delivery team is committed to closely managing the phasing of the project to ensure everything proceeds as planned. The delivery team will keep everyone informed of any significant changes.
There will be an impact on bus services around The Strand/Cary Parade:
The Enhanced Partnership Board noted:
Action: Torbay Minibuses and AL to discuss the impact and costs involved.
Action: Monday 30 September 2024, there is a planned meeting between Stagecoach and AL. Harbourside and The Strand network impact will be added to the agenda.
Decision: Any changes to/overrun of road closures will be communicated to operators.
Decision: Torbay Council to lead on community engagement/communications through Council issued press releases and via Torbay Council Communications Team.
Stagecoach SW and Torbay Council have successfully secured funding from the DfT ZEBRA 2 scheme to electrify all the bus services that Stagecoach SW are operating in Torbay. Represents £25 million investment, mostly from Stagecoach and Government funding to cover the cost difference between diesel and electric vehicles. In addition to a significant proportion of the charge and infrastructure funded.
Vehicle Details:
Project Timeline:
Community Benefits:
The Enhanced Partnership Board noted:
Decision: To include updates on the ZEBRA 2 progress as a standing item on the agenda.
Torbay Council - Carbon Neutral Council Review/Green Fleet Review: The council is prioritising decarbonization of its buildings and fleet. Welcome any opportunities for charging facilities at Aspen Way.
Car Club and other initiatives: Across Torbay there are plans for car club arrangements, electric bikes, and EV chargers in car parks, with the first batch ready to be switched on.
New rail station - Edginswell Rail Station: Efforts continue to secure funding and support from the Transport Minister.
Torbay Climate Partnership: The Greener Way for Our Bay consultation received a good number of responses. It is a partnership document and will be presented to the ‘Place Leadership Board’ for endorsement. Feedback from the consultation: Making transport sustainable and public transport more accessible and affordable. Requests for one ticketing option for bus travel within the bay. Other ideas included community car and bike club hubs.
Local Transport Plan: Torbay Council Cabinet has agreed that a combined Devon and Torbay Local Transport Plan is to go out for consultation.
Torbay's climate partnership meetings: Open invitation to all EP bus operators to attend.
Dates for the Torbay Air show 2025 event are Friday 30 May to Sunday 1 June 2025.
The 2024 event was positive and worthwhile for all involved in attending the event as an exhibitor.
Decision: AL/Bus operators to coordinate attending the 2025 event as an exhibitor. Potential to host a representative from DCC or material that covers South Devon/Teignbridge bus routes.
Action: Once organised AL to circulate/set up a Torbay Members briefing.
Bus Operators: Bus station was incredibly busy throughout the air show - Thank you to all operators and drivers for operating the routes in and out of the bus station.
GWR: There are limitations to provide special event services, but GWR has a special events team who prepare plans as accurate as possible using the capability of our fleet. They are willing to respond to any opportunities to adapt and change for events, when possible.
Action: AL and GWR to discuss public transport opportunities and the promotion of any rail services to/from stations.
Review complete - in line with other local authority charters in the area.
On the 12, 22, 108 and 109 services on-bus surveys were undertaken (June 2024). Overall, positive results and a strong trend towards the very satisfied/somewhat satisfied rankings.
Discussed the result of the annual Highways and Transport Survey. The biggest improvement – the cost of bus fares (reflects the £2 fare cap). Highest satisfaction – buses are easy to get on/off. Lowest satisfaction - public transport information. Overall Torbay remains high in the ranking, however, nationally there is a perception that buses are getting worse.
The 2024 BSIP reflects the current situation and maintains the same priorities as the 2021 BSIP. The 2024 BSIP highlights a significant drop in journeys per head, and declining concessionary passenger numbers.
New bus contracts have been established (April 2024) providing network stability. In addition, there are further fleet investments and upgrades linked with the contracts from Torbay Buses.
Progress has been made on bus stop design with plans to replace the faded flags. The new design will reference the Torbay Story and there is a focus to ensure that they are clear, legible and easily understood.
DfT annual bus punctuality report for FY 2023-2024 is due 23 September 2024. Torbay Council will use the punctuality data available in ABODs, as this data is provided freely by the DfT. Within the report, we will reflect on the known ABODs data and reliability issues. This follows last year’s (2023) methodology, and that was accepted by the DfT.
In previous years, bus punctuality data was collected manually via on street counts at timing points.
Discussion was held around the growing demand to pull forward disabled person’s concessionary pass holder hours, and the different solutions around the country.
Initial thoughts and risks include: the potential for reduced income, the impact on capacity is uncertain (different operators experience different AM and PM Peaks and capacity would be dependent on route specific area), area of use (Extended hours will only apply at the local level i.e. would only be applicable to Torbay.) Wider comms implications: Those with an older person's bus pass would still have restrictions.
Decision/Action: AL and Bus operators to continue the conversation and collate initial thoughts and concerns to feed into any decision making.
We have developed a quick wins list from the BSIP, so we can start delivering on some of those.
Action: Clarify how to report vandalism at bus stops.
Background: Consultation feedback from a range of transport subjects consistently requests a joint ticketing across Torbay.
A key aim of the BSIP is to develop a single ticket option. Options include:
GWR: Supports the idea in principle. Logistical challenges would need to be overcome.
Action: AL, NR and PK to discuss further.
Opportunity: Torbay Minibuses could become a participating operator and support the Plusbus ticket.
Action: NR and BB to discuss further.
Staffing levels
Passenger numbers
The road network/roadwork issues
Windy Corner
A wider discussion was held on the issues at Windy Corner. Following day one of works mitigation measures have been put in place to alleviate the traffic/make any delays more manageable:
Discussed the challenges facing the setup of the Torbay Bus Forum. Considering two options:
Action: Update the EP to reflect the 2024 BSIP
Decision: The board is happy for the EP to be updated to reflect changes and circulated around the group.
Decision: DE will share updates and keep everyone informed about upcoming developments.
Action (All operators): Please record the passenger numbers on Sunday, 22 September.