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Road closures and diversions

Apply to close a road temporarily for planned work or events.

Roads sometimes need to be closed temporarily to enable works to be undertaken on the highway or because we accept that the public would be put in danger if the road was not closed. We will need to be convinced that a road closure is required as its priority is to keep the highway open to normal use wherever possible. 

Road closure orders allow us to create a Temporary Traffic Restriction Notice for emergency works or a Temporary Traffic Restriction Order for planned works. Orders can either close a road or create a restriction (speed or direction of travel) but a minimum of 3 months notice is required. This period allows us to co-ordinate the effect of the works with any other works being undertaken, undertake statutory consultation and register the works on the street works register.


Public gatherings held on or near the highway can involve road closures but are dealt with as a part of the application to hold an event.


Road closure applications are distinct from a licence to work on the highway and you will always need to have an approved licence before you can apply for a road closure. 

Wherever an application to close a road is approved, access to property in the affected area must be maintained. All costs involved for both the closure and diversion signing will have to be met by the person requesting the closure and the applicant will also be responsible for notifying home owners directly affected by the closure. Notices pre-warning of the closure must be displayed on the road at least 7 days before the order comes into affect

Full payment of appropriate fees must accompany an application.  Every application will be responded to, please do not assume the application has been granted.


Type of works Fee
Temporary Traffic Notice (Emergency Works Only) £348.71
Temporary Traffic Order (Planned Works) £1,772.99