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Information on how to register a stillbirth.
Our switchboard number (01803 201201) is currently unavailable, please use the direct department numbers
We are currently investigating this with our service provider, and will update you as soon as we can. Thank you for your patience.
A stillbirth should be registered within 42 days (six weeks). All registrations are by appointment and will take about 40 minutes.
When a child is stillborn, the doctor or midwife will issue a medical certificate of stillbirth. You must take this to the appointment with you.
You can register at:
Please ring 01803 207130 to make an appointment.
If the parents are married:
If the parents aren't married:
If the child was conceived as a result of fertility treatment:
Any of the following can register the stillbirth:
For full details of who can register a stillbirth, including what to do if neither parent can attend please see the further information on registering a stillbirth Opens in a new window.
You must bring the certificate of stillbirth which will have been issued to by the midwife or doctor that delivered your baby.
It would be helpful if you could bring with you ID for you and your partner like your passport, council tax bill, driving licence, birth certificate or a utility bill.
You can register a stillbirth at the register office which covers the area in which it happened or you can supply the information to a registrar in another district, however, this may take longer.
You should register at the register office closest to where the stillbirth occurred. If this is not possible you can register in Torbay but this will be a registration by declaration.
Search for a register office Opens in a new window False
At a declaration all details are sent through the post to the district in which the stillbirth occurred. The form for the funeral director and any certificates will be returned to you in the post.