Booking Fee
Type 2023/24 2024/25 2025/26 2026/27
Ceremony Booking fee (non-refundable) £25 £30 £30 £30
Ceremonies at Torbay's Registrar's Offices - Fee's listed include use of the room, the registrars attendance and one marriage certificate
Location Day Time Fee

Torbay Register Office, Paignton Library (2 guests only)

Wednesday Up to 12:30 £68.50
Cockington Court in the Ceremony Room - up to 10 guests
Day Time Fee 2024/25 Fee 2025/26 Fee 2026/27
Monday to Thursday up to 3pm £110 £115 £120
Friday or Saturday up to 3pm £160 £170 £180
Sunday or Bank Holiday up to 12.30pm £210 £220 £230
Cockington Court in the Ceremony Room - up to 25 guests
Day Time Fee 2024/25 Fee 2025/26 2026/27
Monday to Thursday up to 3pm £210 £220 £230
Friday or Saturday up to 3pm £320 £335 £350
Sunday or Bank Holiday up to 12.30pm £400 £420 £440
Cockington Court in the Ceremony Room - up to 55 guests
Day Time Fee 2024/25 Fee 2025/26 Fee 2026/27
Monday to Thursday up to 3pm £420 £440 £460
Friday or Saturday up to 3pm £580 £610 £635
Sunday or Bank Holiday up to 12.30pm £630 £660 £655
Attending at Approved Premises in the Torbay District
Day Time Fee 2023/24 Fee 2024/25 Fee 2025/26 Fee 2026/27
Monday to Thursday up to 6pm £560 £590 £620 £645
Monday to Thursday 6pm to 8pm £580 £610 £640 £665
Monday to Thursday from 8pm £640 £680 £715 £745
Friday or Saturday up to 6pm £580 £610 £640 £665
Friday or Saturday after 6pm £640 £680 £680 £710
Sunday or Bank Holiday £680 £750 £750 £780
Celebratory Ceremonies at Approved Premises 2023/24 2024/25 2025/26 2026/27
Monday to Thursday - until 6pm £400 £420 £420 £420
Monday to Thursday - 6pm to 8pm POA POA POA POA
Friday and Saturday - until 6pm £550 £570 £570 £570
Friday and Saturday - 6pm to 8pm POA POA POA POA
Sunday and Bank Holidays - until 6pm £600 £620 £620 £620
At a registered building
Fee 2023/24 Fee 2024/25 Fee 2025/26 Fee 2026/27
£86 £86 £86 £86

Please note these fees do not include the venue costs and are inclusive of VAT where applicable

Talk through your booked ceremony

If you would like to meet with a Registrar to discuss your ceremony arrangements there will be a £25 fee. This can also be done via email at no charge.

Giving Notice
Type Fee 2023/24 Fee 2024/25 Fee 2025/26 Fee 2026/27
Giving a notice of intent to marry or form a civil partnership (each partner) £42 £42 £42 £42
Attendance of a Registrar to verify the declaration of a house-bound person £57 £57 £57 £57
Attendance of a Registrar to verify the declaration of a detained person £82 £82 £82 £82