A correction can only be made when the original information is wrong. It may be that a copying error was made when the certificate was issued or a mistake has been made on the original entry in the register.

The local register office may be able to make the correction but if not an application will need to be completed and sent to General Registration Office (GRO).

Will there be a charge?

There is a statutory non-refundable fee of £83 for corrections that we can make and £99 if the correction has to be sent to the GRO.

What the correction will look like

In most circumstances the original information will always be shown in the register.

Once the correction has been completed a note will be added to the margin of the register, this will explain what the correct information is and when the correction was made.

All certificates issued after the correction will still show the incorrect information but a note with the correct details will be added to the bottom of the certificate.

How to get a certificate corrected

You need to complete an application form and provide some proof which shows the correct information and send it to the Register Office where the event took place.

You can find the application and information:

Correct a birth registration Opens in a new window

Correcting a death registration Opens in a new window

Correcting a marriage registration Opens in a new window

What happens next?

The registrar will look at your application and contact you within 5 days of receiving your application.