Our switchboard number (01803 201201) is currently unavailable, please use the direct department numbers
We are currently investigating this with our service provider, and will update you as soon as we can. Thank you for your patience.
Information on how to apply for British citizenship.
Our switchboard number (01803 201201) is currently unavailable, please use the direct department numbers
We are currently investigating this with our service provider, and will update you as soon as we can. Thank you for your patience.
You will be booked on the next available ceremony. Our aim is for you to attend a ceremony within one month of contacting us.
The Home Office will normally expect you to have your ceremony within 11 weeks from the date of receiving your notification. If you do not think you will be able to attend a ceremony within this period, you may apply to the Home Office for an extension.
We hold group ceremonies for up to 50 new citizens every 6-8 weeks in Torbay. The purpose of these ceremonies is to welcome new citizens to British Citizenship and into the local community.
The ceremony also reinforces the fact that becoming a citizen carries with it both rights and responsibilities. The ceremonies help encourage new citizens to play an active part in the community. The Mayor and other local dignitaries attend to reinforce this message.
We aim to make these ceremonies enjoyable and meaningful events, giving citizens an opportunity to celebrate the event rather than just complete a bureaucratic process.
Each new citizen:
Normally you will attend a ceremony in the area where you live, however you can choose to have your ceremony in any area. If you would like to have your ceremony in a different district you should give the details of the where you would like your ceremony on your application form. If you do not do this, the Home Office will only consider changes under exceptional circumstances.
You need to bring the invitation letter sent to you by the Home Office and photographic ID either passport or driving licence. If you do not provide this document you may be refused entry to the ceremony.
You may request a private or family ceremony for an additional fee of £105. When you contact us to arrange your ceremony let us know and we will go through your options.
If you would like to have your family or friends present, you are welcome to bring guests. Please discuss numbers with the registrar.
If you are applying for citizenship for children there is no legal requirement for applicants under the age of 18 to attend a citizenship ceremony.
The ceremony itself will take approximately 40 minutes. You should arrive at least 30 minutes before the start of the ceremony to register and you may want to take photographs at the end of the ceremony. So you should allow between one and two hours.
You are free to dress however you feel most comfortable; although the ceremony is a formal occasion so smart casual wear is recommended. You are also welcome to wear the traditional national costume of the country of your origin.
You will already have paid for the ceremony as part of the fee paid when you made an application for British Citizenship. However, if you request to have a private or family event, you will have to pay an additional fee.
Type | Fee 2023/24 | Fee 2024/25 | Fee 2025/26 | Fee 2026/27 |
Private/Family Event Citizenship Ceremony | £160 | £170 | £170 | £170 |