It’s estimated that the UK uses over half a million tonnes of metal packaging in a year. Think about it – from the baked bean tins in your kitchen cupboard to the biscuit tin in the lounge and the deodorant sitting in your bathroom cabinet - we make contact with metal packaging every day of our lives.
Top tips
- Flatten tins and cans to save space
- Rinse out food tins then pop the lid inside
- Remove plastic caps from air fresheners, aerosols etc.
- Scrunch foil into a ball to save space
- Wipe clean and rinse foil takeaway containers
What to recycle
- Air freshener, deodorant and shaving foam aerosols (Empty and recycle plastic lid).
- Tins for sweets and biscuits (Wrappers in bin, the tin can be recycled).
- Kitchen foil (Rinse the foil then scrunch it up and recycle).
- Food tins (These are all recyclable; just give it a quick rinse (labels can be left on)).
- Drink cans (Rinse it out).
- Foil takeaway trays (Rinse them out so there is no left over residue).
- Some small electrical items
- Metal lids and caps from glass bottles and jars (It’s best to leave the lids on the tins/jars as they are easily separated from the glass to be recycled).
What not to recycle
- No dirty foil
- No crisp packets and sweet wrappers
- No laminated foil or plastic pouches
- No metal containers for chemicals
- No metal kitchenware