The satisfying clinkety clink of glass bottles is a common sound when we are putting out the recycling these days. Yet whilst the UK uses nearly 2 million tonnes of glass packaging in a year, it is estimated that just less than 1 million tonnes is not currently being collected for recycling.
Top tips
- Empty and rinse all glass containers.
- Put all screw caps and lids back on the bottle!
- Spray tops for perfume bottles should go in the bin.
- Glass such as Pyrex and drinking glasses melt at a different temperature to recycled glass and so shouldn’t be recycled.
- Light bulbs, mirror glass and vases should go to your nearest recycling centre.
What to recycle
- Perfume and aftershave bottles (remove any plastic).
- Face cream jars
- Bottles (from wine, beer, water, spirits – anything glass!).
- Jars for cooking sauces, jam and baby food
What not to recycle
- Glass cookware (such as Pyrex).
- Drinking glasses
- Light bulbs
- Mirror glass
- Vases
- Crystal glass