What can I recycle?
Mixed Glass
Low Energy Light Bulbs
AddressNicholson Road, The Willows, Torquay, TQ2 7HT
Contact SWISCo
- Email: info@swisco.co.uk
- Tel: 01803 701310
- YouTube
- Book a slot at the tip (recycling centre)
- Where is the tip (recycling centre)
- When is my bin collected?
- What to do with garden waste
- What can I do with bulky waste?
- What goes in my bin?
- My bin hasn't been collected
- Get a clinical or sharps waste collection
- Where are the recycling banks?
- Get a new/replacement bin
- Flats and communal collections
- Recycle electrical items
- Get an assisted collection
- Composting
- How can I reduce my waste and save money?
- Commercial waste collections
- Recycling Metal
- Recycling Glass
- Litter and litter bins
- Visit Plymouth Energy from Waste Facility and Combined Heat and Power Plant
- Where does my recycling go?