Having a healthy sex life is important for many people. Sexual and reproductive health services are available in Torbay which promote sexual well-being in a range of ways.
You can access a wide range of contraception through your GP surgery or pharmacy. Most pharmacies in Torbay also offer free emergency contraception for 13 to 25 year olds.
provides free and confidential testing and treatment services for sexual infections, along with advice on a wide range of sexual health and contraceptive issues. These are provided from Castle Circus Health Centre.
You can talk to them in confidence by calling 0300 303 3989.
Condom Scheme for under 25 year olds in Torbay
The condom distribution scheme offers free condoms and safer sex packs for 13–24-year-olds in Torbay. It is an online scheme, and users can register at Condoms - Devon And Torbay — SH.UK to get an account and condoms delivered to their door or a nearby collection point. At doink, you can also get free, confidential and accurate advice and guidance. If you are under 18, you can expect extra questions to make sure you are safe and understand about sexual health, consent and other important issues.
HIV in Torbay
The Eddystone Trust Opens in a new window provides support for anyone in Torbay living with or affected by HIV or AIDS as well as advice and support on staying sexually healthy. You can speak with Eddystone in confidence by calling 0800 328 3508.