If you have concerns about how much you or someone you know is drinking, there are a wide range of services that can help.

National guidelines around alcohol use recommend that :

  • Men and women are advised to drink no more than 14 units a week (spread over 3 or more days)

Find out more about how much you might be drinking, how much is in a unit and how many calories are in a drink.

  Calculate your alcohol units and calories Opens in a new window

You will also find guidelines for pregnant women, having other health conditions and driving.

Alcohol Services in Torbay

If you are over the age of 18 and would like some advice and support with your Alcohol use or someone else’s, support is available from Torbay Drug and Alcohol Service Opens in a new window.

If you are under 18, visit the Checkpoint Opens in a new window website or call 01803 290 330.

Your Health Torbay provides low level support for alcohol. To see if this service can help you visit Your Health Torbay Opens in a new window

The NHS oneyou online support resource can help you make small changes that fit into your life so you feel better and healthier every day. Please visit https://www.nhs.uk/oneyou/for-your-body/drink-less/ Opens in a new window

Peer Support

If you would like support built on shared personal experience and empathy to help with a drinking problem you might find Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), SMART, Famanon or Adfam helpful.

AA run regular meetings across Torbay. For more details you can visit Alcoholics Anonymous Opens in a new window or you can phone the AA national helpline free on 0800 9177650 or email help@aamail.org

SMART recovery provide online and community peer support meetings. Visit SMART Recovery Opens in a new window  to find meetings local to you.

If you would like some help to cope with your loved ones Alcohol use please visit  Adfam Opens in a new window or Families Anonymous Opens in a new window

Talking therapies can help many people in lots of different situations For more information regarding the different types of talking therapies and to help you decide if this might help you, please visit:
  Talking Therapies Opens in a new window