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Shaping your future application

Use our service to get your application right first time

You can use our shaping service to inform a future application before you seek pre-application advice. Before you submit an application, it will allow you to:

  • Understand how development policies will apply.
  • Get advice from an officer.
  • Identify any potential problems and rectify them.

This could take the form of a site or Teams meeting with an officer and constitutes a non-binding view. You will then receive an email pinpointing the issues. It may also include early identification and specialist advice about:

  • listed buildings
  • highways
  • flood risk

You will get support and advice in the pre-application meeting. We will check the key components on the proposed design have been fully considered. We will ensure they are then presented in the best light.

This element of the service is a way of testing options. You can then commit to the next pre-application stage or full application process. In some instances we will refer development proposals to Torbay Design Review Panel. We require a separate fee to cover the cost of using the Panel.

Proposals are charged at the hourly rate of £115 including VAT. As a minimum we would expect one meeting with a follow up email with a total charge of £230.

Please note, once submitted, pre-application fees are non-refundable.

Make an online payment for existing planning and building control applications