Find out how to get advice about whether you need, or will be likely get approval for your proposed development
Our service will provide you with informal advice on:
It enables you to:
Type | Description | Charge (including VAT) |
Shaping Enquiry | £230.00 | |
Minor Residential | Single Dwelling | £260 |
Minor Residential | 2 to 14 dwellings | £260 for first dwelling then £105 per additional dwelling |
Major Residential | 15 dwellings or more | £1850 per 5,000 m2. (0.5 hectares) Maximum Fee: £10,000 |
Commercial (including works to blocks of flats) | No new floor space | £115 per unit |
Commercial (including works to blocks of flats) | Creation of new floor space (including change of use) | £115 per 100 m2. up to a maximum of £5000 |
Waste, Minerals and Recycling Operations | Waste Management, mineral processing, extraction or storage | £1125 |
Please note:
Any pre-application enquiry which involves a Listed Building will be subject to an additional charge of £115 (incl. VAT).
For mixed use development; please add the residential and commercial fees together as a cumulative fee will be applicable.
All other proposals will be charged at the hourly rate of £115 (incl. VAT) contact us for further information.
These charges cover the costs associated with an officer providing an initial response to a pre-application enquiry. One further written response will be charged at £115 per hour (or part thereof).
In some instances the Council will wish to refer development proposals to the independent Torbay Design Review Panel. A separate fee will be required to cover the cost of using the Panel
Site Visits and Meetings £115 per officer per hour (please contact us for details)
We will provide advice in writing at the end of the process.
The advice given in response to your request represents the officer’s informal opinion. We base this on the information you provide. We give this without prejudice to any decision by us.
We make any future planning application public and discuss it according to our regular procedures. Sometimes, new information may lead to finding more issues that are important for deciding on the application.
We try our best to predict the outcome of an application before it's submitted. There might be times when, after reviewing feedback from the public consultation, we reach a different decision.
We don't usually make major changes to a proposal once we receive a formal planning application. The exception would be if its in the public's best interest to do so.
If you submit an application without pre-application advice, we make a decision on its merits.
If you have any questions or need any further guidance about our pre-application service, then please contact us.
Please supply the appropriate level of information necessary. This is for us to give you an informed response to your enquiry. The more information that you can provide at this stage, the more informed our response to you can be.
A typical enquiry should include:
An accurate site plan - you can purchase these online . The site to should be clearly marked in red. Draw a blue line around any further land, owned by the applicant, which is close to or adjoining the application site.
Any further information - necessary to illustrate your scheme. This depends on the scale of your proposed scheme. It may be necessary to supply, where appropriate, any of the following:
Your drawings should show:
Major developments
Please note: An insufficient level of information may result in us being unable to process your request for advice. In some cases there may be significant doubt about whether the proposal will be acceptable in principle.
Our pre-application enquiry service, including for major Development, is likely to include:
We will aim to give a comprehensive and coordinated response. We take a development team approach to dealing with your enquiry. This will include involvement from relevant internal and external expertise such as:
Advice is provided in writing at the end of the process