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October Update 2021

Archaeological Evaluation

The first phase of archaeological investigations across the Inglewood site and at Windy Corner are now complete. These investigations have confirmed there is limited archaeological interest within the development area or at Windy Corner.

A second phase of archaeological investigation is planned for the main site, where a group of infilled narrow ditches associated with pottery, a sling shot and some worked flint suggests the presence of a coaxial (grid-like) field system of prehistoric date in the north of the site. The remains of a possible field barn or animal shelter in the corner of a field, which is not shown on the mid-19th-century tithe map, will also be investigated.

Ecological Mitigation Works

The formation of the new hedge banks across the site is due to complete by the end of October. The contractor will then begin the seeding and planting of the hedge banks in early November. Construction of the new bat house has also commenced and is due to be completed in November.

We are aware that local comments have been raised in respect of dust created by the works and debris on Waddeton Road. Working practices have been adapted to ensure water dampening is used during any works that generate significant levels of dust. Frequent checks of the road conditions are also being undertaken and enhanced road cleaning is taking place.

Highways Works

The service diversions required to enable the highways improvement works to be carried out remain programmed to begin in January 2022. We understand that there has been some confusion regarding the extent of highways works planned for Windy Corner. We confirm that the improvement plans for Windy Corner remain as approved through the planning appeal. The improvement works comprise selective road widening to increase capacity through the junction and a new traffic signal controlled pedestrian crossing across Dartmouth Road.