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February Update 2022

Ecological Mitigation Works

The ecological mitigation works, which have included the formation and planting of new hedge banks, the construction of a bat house and the planting of an orchard are now complete. The successful establishment of this planting will now be closely monitored.

Highways Improvement Works and Vegetation Clearance

The next phase of the Inglewood development is the necessary highway improvement works, including the construction of a new roundabout to provide access to the site from Brixham Road and the relevelling and minor widening of a section of Brixham Road.

Torbay Council impose a moratorium on all highways works over the summer holidays. The current construction programme envisages the highway improvement works beginning in September 2022 after the summer period. Works related to the construction of the new roundabout within the development site itself, and not impacting Brixham Road, are planned to begin in Summer 2022.

In order to facilitate the highways works, it is necessary to undertake some vegetation clearance and tree removal in accordance with the approved details. No vegetation removal is allowed to take place during the bird nesting season which runs from March to September without the prior approval of the Council. Therefore, to ensure the highways works can take place on time some tree removal and vegetation clearance works will begin within fields to the west of Brixham Road, along Brixham Road and at the Long Road/Goodrington Road junction from next week. These works are expected to last for two weeks. An ecologist will inspect all affected areas ahead of the clearance works taking place.

A planning application has recently been submitted to Torbay Council, which seeks to regularise the approved highways works plans to align with the final designs that have been agreed with Torbay Council as Highways Authority. Following the grant of planning permission, more detailed design and programming discussions have been held with Torbay Council with a focus on ensuring the highways works minimise the length of disruption to the local road network. This application will be available to view on Torbay Council’s website in the coming days. (Prepared by Abacus Projects Limited / Deeley Freed Estates Limited)