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August Update 2021


Planning permission was granted for the Inglewood development in April 2021. The applicant, Abacus Projects Limited and Deeley Freed Estates Limited, are committed to bringing forward the Inglewood development in a timely manner to ensure that it can start to contribute to the Council’s housing land supply.

The existing tenant farmer will vacate the land at the start of September 2021 to enable works to begin and pre-construction activity will shortly be taking place across the site.

It is important that the local community are kept up to date on the progress of the Inglewood construction. This note is the first of a series that identifies the most immediate activities to take place over the next 8 months and establishes a broad timetable for future works. This note will be updated periodically to provide the local community with the most up-to-date programme information.

Archaeological Evaluation

A programme of archaeological evaluation is required across the development site and within the grass verges at Windy Corner. The manner in which this will be carried out has been set out within Archaeological Written Schemes of Investigation which have been agreed with Devon County Council’s archaeologist.

These investigation works will begin in September 2021 and will involve the digging of trenches. The on-site evaluation works are due to complete in November 2021. The Windy Corner works aren’t programmed to take as long and will be completed in October 2021.

Ecological Mitigation Works

The legal agreement that sits alongside the planning permission is prescriptive in respect of the ecological mitigation works that need to take place before any housebuilding can begin on the site.

The ecological mitigation works extend across the development site and farmland to the west and comprise the following activities:

  • Creation and planting of 3.1km of new hedge banks and associated fencing
  • Reversion of approximately 16ha of arable farmland to cattle grazed pasture
  • Creation of approximately 4ha of spring sown barley
  • Creation of 0.6ha of grassland margins around fields
  • Creation of 1ha of broad-leaved native woodland
  • Creation of a wildlife pond
  • Construction of a bat house
  • Creation of a community orchard

The construction of the hedge banks is due to commence in September 2021 and will utilise soils from the non cattle grazed pasture parts of the site. The hedge and tree planting will be carried out during the Autumn and Winter of 2021 through to Spring 2022.

The construction of a purpose built bat house will begin in October 2021.

The planting of new pasture, barley and grassland margins will begin in March 2022 alongside the creation of the off-site wildlife pond.

The timetable for the archaeological investigations and ecological mitigation works have been fully coordinated to ensure no disturbance of archaeological remains occur during the construction of the hedge banks.

Highways Works

The planning permission requires the construction of a new roundabout along Brixham Road to provide access to the site as well as a number of other alterations to the existing highway. Abacus Projects Limited and Deeley Freed Estates are in detailed discussion with Torbay Council and the Highways Authority to secure the necessary legal agreements to enable the works to be carried out, including the detailed design, phasing and timetable for traffic management. The focus of this process is to ensure the highways works are programmed to minimise disruption to the local community.

Highways service diversions are due to commence in January 2022. The first highways improvements works to take place are anticipated to be the works at Windy Corner, including a new signal controlled pedestrian crossing, between April and May 2022.

Much of the works associated with the construction of the new roundabout can take place within the site with limited disruption to the local highway. These works are due to commence in June 2022.

Residential development

Abacus Projects Limited and Deeley Freed Estates Limited are currently seeking a house builder to bring forward the main residential development, provision of public open space and play areas.

The selected house builder will be responsible for the detailed design of the proposed development and the submission of applications to Torbay Council to secure reserved matters approval of the layout, scale, appearance and landscaping of the scheme.

The residential development will come forward in phases. The construction of the first phase of houses is likely to begin in January 2023.

The School

Abacus Projects Limited and Deeley Freed Estates Ltd are in discussion with Torbay Council and Coast Academies to bring forward the construction of a new 2-form entry primary school and nursery at the site.