Find out more about preparing flood risk assessments for development located within flood zone 1.
The Torbay area has been classified as a Critical Drainage Area by the Environment Agency. As such a Flood Risk Assessment will be required for most applications because they will fall inside one or more of the flood zones (1, 2 or 3) and fall inside the Critical Drainage Area.
This will be the case even if the proposed development does not affect drainage. For example, an application to replacement windows in a flat will still require a Flood Risk Assessment
It also means that even if you live “at the top of a hill” a flood risk assessment will be required. The water run off from your property may cause flooding issues further down the hill.
Please Note - The forms below are for use when the development site/property falls within ZONE 1 only.
Complete flood risk assessment to show how the flood risk to the site will be managed as part of your development proposal. Any development within flood zone 1 (Domestic, commercial and industrial development) will need a flood risk assessment completed.
Complete change of use form for any changes to domestic, commercial and industrial development with flood zone 1.
Application sites and development that fall within zones 2 and 3 may require a more detailed Flood Risk Assessment.