An application can be amended after it has been submitted either at the request of the Planning Team to overcome a possible objection to the scheme or at the request of the Applicant.
Paragraph 61 of the Government’s National Planning Guidance document states:
it is at the discretion of the Local Planning Authority whether to accept such changes, to determine if the changes need to be reconsulted upon, or if the proposed changes are so significant as to materially alter the proposal such that a new application should be submitted
The planning service works in accordance with the following working practices unless we believe that there are exceptional circumstances that justify a different approach to a particular application:
We may request that a plan register is provided to clearly show superseded and amended plans. Plan numbers and revision dates should also be made clear. It is important for us to understand your documents, and ensure we display them correctly on our web pages for interested parties to view. It is also important to correctly identify plans as part of the decision-making process. Please see the example plan register below:
Document | Document number | Document dates 2/1/24 | Document dates 9/1/24 |
Site location plan | ABC-123-1 | 1 | |
Existing elevations | ABC-123-2 | 1 | |
Existing internals | ABC-123-3 | 1 | |
Existing layout | ABC-123-4 | 1 | |
Proposed elevations | ABC-123-5 | 1 | 2 |
Proposed internals | ABC-123-6 | 1 | 2 |
Proposed layout | ABC-123-7 | 1 | 2 |
The Council reserves the right to undertake further publicity at any stage during a planning application, including receipt of amended details, in accordance with the following principles:
Applicants and agents are advised to submit a pre-application enquiry if negotiation or advice on a scheme is required.