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Conservation area appraisals and article 4 areas

Find out about the history and character of the designated Conservation Areas in Torbay.

 Torbay with its rich urban heritage contains 24 designated conservation areas:

  • 16 in Torquay
  • 4 in Paignton
  • 4 in Brixham

Many have been revised and extended since their original designation. Eight were designated in the 1970s. Thirteen in the 1980s. One in 2001.

Conservation areas vary in their nature, character and extent. For example:

  • Barton is less than 3 hectares
  • Lincombes is larger than 101 hectares
  • Maidencombe is largely rural
  • Torre and Tormohun from inner Torquay are urban
  • Old Paignton is formed around a central area
  • Brixham Town and Higher Brixham reflect ribbon developments
  • Shorton has historic antecedents and is now entirely subsumed into a 20th-century townscape
  • Chelston is almost entirely the creation of the late-19th century

Using the character appraisals

The appraisals provide a sound basis for development control. They help in the targeting of improvement initiatives. This could be in relation to:

  • heritage economic regeneration schemes (HERs)
  • townscape heritage initiatives (THIs)

The appraisals do not seek to prevent change. They act as a tool in managing it. They provide a reference and benchmark of the special character.

As an example. When we judge applications we will ask the question. Does it improve or enhance the special character or interest of the conservation area? This applies with applications for:

  • buildings
  • extensions
  • replacements
  • the use of materials

We are unlikely to approve schemes which do not meet this test.

The second element of the process is a separate Conservation Area Management Plan. This will deal with wider management issues that came out of the appraisal. Issues may include:

  • dereliction
  • the reversal of chronic economic decline
  • comprehensive redevelopment

Article 4 areas

Torbay has two article 4 areas.

An article 4 direction is a way to restrict permitted development rights in a specific area or for a particular type of development.

Conservation area appraisal documents

Conservation area maps

Article 4 areas