If you are carrying out work or services to premises in Torbay and need constant access to your vehicle (i.e. where constant access to tools or materials in the vehicle is needed such as a carpet fitter where carpets are stored or a glazier where glass is stored) and need to park for longer than the permitted stay in a limited waiting bay or on a yellow line, you can apply in advance for a parking waiver (known as a Parking Dispensation Notice) for a specific location.
If more than one vehicle is required on site a separate dispensation should be obtained for each vehicle (subject to street space).
A dispensation is not intended for those who will not require constant access to their vehicle, such as a labourer who will work on site but not require bulky tools or raw materials from the vehicle. This person should seek to drop off tools and then park legally. Waivers are usually only issued to vehicles of transit size or over.
We have the authority to issue a dispensation which will allow a vehicle to park on a yellow line or in a parking bay for a specified period of time. We are also entitled to charge for dispensations and have set a charge to reflect the cost of providing this service.
You must apply and pay online with a debit/credit card payment. If you experience any issues when completing this form please contact us.
A minimum of one working day’s notice (Monday-Friday) is required for the issue of a dispensation notice and applications must be submitted before 4pm. Please note notices can not be issued for the same day.
All and any notifications asked for on the day will be declined.
A one off charge of £5 applies to each notice issued to cover the cost of the permit issued to you, and it costs a further £5 per day to cover enforcement of the scheme, up to a maximum charge per week of £25.