With the schools breaking up today for the Easter holidays we just wanted to update you on the various toilet refurbishments that are taking place across the Bay:

Paignton Green - This block will be open and fully operational following an internal and external refurbishment and is now operating pay to use. Please note that the entrance and exit for male and female toilets have changed for this block. This toilet will be open all year round, seven days a week.

Torquay Sea Front Complex - All work now completed and is up and running on pay to use.

Market Street - These toilets are now open on a pay to use basis. We are awaiting the contactless payment system to be installed, which should be available this month.

Preston Bus Shelter - Unfortunately we have had to close these toilets due to high levels of anti-social behaviour. We will be reviewing the next steps for these toilets soon.

Goodrington - The good news is that the construction of the modular unit that will be placed in the car park in front of Quaywest is complete. The bad news is that due to delays to the groundworks to move the fire hydrant we cannot yet install the new unit. South West Water are looking at carrying out this work next week and when this is complete we will be able to announce a date for installation of the new unit. In the meantime, the toilets at both Goodrington North and South will remain open and will be free to use.

Broadsands - These toilets have received some internal decoration and will be free to use.

Please also note that the toilets which are closed out of season are now open, these include:

To find out where all these toilets are and what the opening times are please visit the toilets page.

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