Authorities across the South West are supporting a campaign launched today (Monday 17 July) that raises the profile of care and the positive role of care workers in a drive to recruit the right people to the sector.

Care providers across the country often experience difficulties in recruiting, which in turn affects the availability of care to people who could be living independently at home, or in care homes.

It's a challenge that local authorities want to address by making people aware of how rewarding and worthwhile care work is as career choice, and encouraging the positive image that care deserves.

16 local authorities across the South West, and Health Education England, are supporting the campaign (see note to editors), establishing for the first time a regional approach to raising the profile of care.

Care providers in Devon have seen marked improvements in their ability to recruit high calibre applicants to caring roles. 'Recruitment has gone through the roof!", says one Registered Manager at a Devon care home.

An especially inspiring element to the campaign is the first-hand personal accounts from real care and support workers, who talk passionately about their love for care work.

The campaign website features interviews with care and support workers, and links to recruitment portals where care providers across the region advertise their vacancies.

The campaign wants to reach all potential care workers, but is specifically targeting key audiences including younger people and those who have studied for a health and social care qualification; parents considering a return to work; people aged 50 plus who, with more life experience might want to give something back to their community; and students seeking employment over holiday periods.

It's also gained national support from the Association of Directors of Adult Social Care, Skills for Care and Skills for Health.

Devon County Council's Principal Social Worker Geraldine Benson and Torbay Council's Head of Integration and Development John Bryant are the two Joint Lead Officers for the Proud to Care South West campaign.


Geraldine Benson said: "We want the incredible people who work in the care sector to feel proud of their vocation and for others to see it as an enormously rewarding area of work that they can become involved in.

"We want people to see that it has great career prospects, with many opportunities for progression in care and health including nurses, social workers and registered care managers."

John Bryant said: "Working in the care and health sector is very rewarding, helping people at a time of their lives where that support can have really positive consequences and can go a long way in enhancing a person's quality of life.

"This campaign recognises the value and commitment of care and support workers across the South West.

"We hope that people everywhere will take a moment to visit the campaign website, listen to the real stories and be inspired to apply for any of the vacancies now available."

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