If you have not yet had the chance to tell us your views about Torbay Council’s work with the UK Committee for UNICEF (UNICEF UK) and other local partners towards becoming a UNICEF Child Friendly Community, there is still time.

Earlier in the year the Council announced an ambitious partnership which will see councillors, council staff and local community and voluntary sector partners turning to children’s rights – as set out in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child – to guide decisions that affect children and young people in Torbay.

The right of the child to have their views heard and taken seriously, for example, will mean that children will have a say in council decisions – from major policies, to decisions around the care they receive – as well as the opportunity to design local services and spaces.

Councillor Nick Bye, Cabinet Member for Children’s Services for Torbay Council, said: “We would really like as many people in Torbay as possible to have the opportunity to have their say, to help inform this important piece of work we are doing with UNICEF UK and our local partners.

“There are three surveys, one for people in Torbay who work with children and young people, and the other two surveys are for children and young people, one survey for 7-11 year olds and one for 11-18 year olds. Each of the surveys will only take a few minutes to complete but your input will be invaluable – we are particularly keen to hear from more children and young people in the Bay.

“The work with UNICEF also supports our own Community and Corporate Plan, which outlines our plans for Torbay to be recognised as a child friendly place.  We want all residents, including our children and young people, to feel and be safe and to live well within their communities.”

Naomi Danquah, Child Friendly Cities & Communities Programme Director UNICEF UK said: “This partnership represents a bold commitment from Torbay Council and their partners to put children’s rights at the heart of everything they do – from early conversations around children’s spaces and services, to the day-to-day running of those services.

“We’re excited to see this partnership make a real and lasting difference to children’s lives in Torbay.”

Take the surveys

Workforce survey – If you live or work in Torbay and your job involves working with children and young people we would love to hear from you – please take the online survey.

Survey for 11-18 year olds – It is really important that we capture the views of young people so please do take the survey and if you are a parent or carer ask your children to take the survey.

Survey for 7-11 year olds – We also want to make sure our youngest residents get the chance to tell us their views so please encourage your children to take a few minutes to do the survey.

The surveys close at midnight on Sunday 3 November.

Find out more

More information is on the UNICEF UK website

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