A £1million funding boost given to Devon and Cornwall’s Police and Crime Commissioner will help with our work to keep our town centres safe and welcoming for all.

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner has received Home Office funding to crack down on anti-social behaviour (ASB) and serious violence in 16 key locations across the peninsula. Two of these locations are Torquay and Paignton.
The funding will see patrols by police officers and street marshals in areas identified as hotspots from Devon and Cornwall police data. This will form part of a wider Street Focus initiative led by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, working with local authorities like ourselves to tackle issues in the community.

ASB is a top concern for residents, with surveys indicating that more are concerned with it than any other policing issue.

This is why we’ve set up Operation Town Centres, our plan to make all Bay town centres safe and inviting places for residents, businesses and visitors.

Operation Town Centres will see more officers on the ground as well as the introduction of our two Public Spaces Protection Orders, a revised alcohol order for Torquay, Paignton and Brixham and a new dispersal order for Torquay.

Councillor Hayley Tranter, Cabinet Member for Adult and Community Services, Public Health and Inequalities, said: “Working closely with partners like the police is a crucial part of Operation Town Centres. It’s reassuring for the public that there will be more police on the streets, alongside our own investment in staff.”

Commissioner Hernandez said: “We have taken significant steps in addressing ASB and combating serious violence. I am pleased that this funding will enable us to increase visible uniformed patrols in key areas.  

“By working in partnership with our councils, we will deliver a reassuring presence in areas where the public feel most vulnerable. With targeted police and partner patrols, we’ll be where we’re needed most, helping to create safer communities.”

An additional £200,000 from the Commissioner will bolster the fund, maximising the number of partner patrols across Devon and Cornwall.

Sixteen hotspot areas have been identified by analysing crime data for serious violence and antisocial behaviour last year.

Six locations will receive additional police patrols and uniformed community patrols, such as marshals and street wardens. Torquay town centre is one of these locations while funding for additional uniformed community patrols has been agreed for Paignton.

Police patrols in the hotspots are already underway. The Commissioner will be partnering with councils to deliver additional patrols in the coming weeks.

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