Our Children’s Services has been awarded registered training provider status by the Restorative Justice Council (RJC).

This week is Restorative Justice Week, aimed at raising awareness of how individuals and organisations can work together to prevent conflict, build relationships and repair harm.

We are the first Children’s Services department in the UK to receive this award. 

Having first been awarded Registered Restorative Organisation status in February this year, we have continued to progress our restorative work by developing a training service which offers a range of courses tailored specifically to working restoratively within social care.

The RJC said our Children’s Services department demonstrated an ‘excellent understanding of delivering safe and inclusive training and ensured that restorative principles are embedded throughout’.

In addition to the training provider award, the RJC announced that it has approved two of our training courses.

Our Restorative Awareness Training course provides learners with the opportunity to develop an awareness of restorative practice. This will allow them to create and maintain better relationships, become more self-aware and recognise the importance of working ‘with’ others to build meaningful, trusting and respectful relationships with children and families and each other.

The second course, Restorative Practice Deep Dive, is run over three days and supports learners to understand the key principles and values of restorative practice. It provides interactive learning opportunities to acquire and practice the skills needed to use restorative practice effectively in a variety of settings.

Councillor Nick Bye, Torbay Council’s Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, said: “Our approach to restorative practice helps us to build and maintain positive and healthy relationships with children and families. It ensures we’re listening to them and understanding what they need.

“Receiving training provider status is another step on our restorative journey and means we are providing our workforce with the training, skills and tools needed to work restoratively. We are also excited to pass on the knowledge we’ve learned so far to other local authorities, partners and organisations who may be seeking approved and quality training in this area.”

Jim Simon, the RJC’s chief executive, said: “Torbay Council Children’s Services have demonstrated throughout the rigorous assessment process that they have met the standards set out in our Registered Training Provider Framework.

“It was clear throughout the assessment process that the council is committed to ensuring its training programmes are designed and delivered in line with our rigorous national standards. Those accessing training delivered by Torbay Council’s Children’s Services can be confident in the quality of training being provided.

To find out more about Torbay Council’s Children’s Services training offer, contact Bexs Rushton at Rebecca.rushton@torbay.co.uk or call 01803 208569.


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