Torbay’s popular English Riviera Wheel looks set to return to Torquay when its current licence ends later this year.

Our Cabinet committee, which met on Tuesday, agreed a new licence for the 2024 season for five years with the option to extend for up to a further three years in 12-month increments.

The licence will be for a 45-metre wheel at Princess Gardens which will once again offer 360-degree views across the harbour and beyond.

A contract will be awarded following a procurement process and the licence holder will also need to obtain planning permission.

The successful supplier will pay an annual licence fee to occupy the site from March to September annually.

They will also contribute funding towards heritage works at Princess Gardens, including the upkeep of the war memorial.

Councillor Mike Morey, Cabinet Member for Infrastructure, Environment and Culture, said: “The wheel is popular attraction in Torquay, both with residents and visitors alike and offers an extra reason for people to visit the town.

“It helps to generate an income for us, which we can ensure is used towards maintaining assets in the Princess Gardens conservation area.

“The supplier will also provide affordable tickets to cared-for children and their carers and ensure there’s a minimum of one accessible carriage for customers.”

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