As you may be aware there have been a number of unauthorised traveller encampments in Torbay recently. The current two encampments at Hollicombe Park and Torre Abbey Meadows have been visited by officers and the necessary welfare checks have been completed.

The strict legal processes we have to follow before an encampment can be moved are underway at both these sites.

We have submitted the relevant applications to court, with a first court hearing listed for next week. We are working formally with the police to explore all options.

We are doing this as quickly as possible whilst ensuring we maintain their welfare and treat all those involved with dignity and respect. If you’d like to know more about how we deal with unauthorised encampments please visit our website:

We understand the concern this may be causing to some residents and we are working hard to find a timely solution for all concerned. Where necessary and appropriate, we are continuing to put preventative measures in place to manage future unauthorised encampments in locations across Torbay.

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