Together with TDA, we want to hear your views on the new English Riviera Destination Management Plan which outlines our vision for Torbay to be the UK’s top visitor destination and boost the economy.

A survey is being launched to ask local businesses, residents and other stakeholders if they agree with what the Plan proposes.

The Plan has three main objectives:

  • Recover - return to 2019 spend and visitor levels by 2024
  • Grow - achieve an additional £75m of tourism spending and 1,500 new full-time jobs by 2027
  • Re-balance - more sustainable visits with 40% of visits from October to March (currently 35%).

The four key themes of the Plan are:

  • Food and Drink
  • On the Water
  • UNESCO Global Geopark
  • Culture and Events

Darren Cowell, Deputy Leader of Torbay Council, said: “We want Torbay to be the premier resort in the UK, with a vibrant arts and cultural offer for our residents and visitors to enjoy; where our built and natural environment is celebrated and where we play our part in addressing the climate change emergency.”

Councillor Swithin Long, Cabinet Member for Economic Regeneration, Tourism and Housing, said: “The Destination management Plan takes a holistic view of what needs to happen in the Bay to achieve its objectives, with seven main areas identified. These are public services (including open spaces); visitor accommodation; towns, public realm and their connectivity; sustainable tourism; skills and careers; research and insight (continually monitoring views of businesses and visitors); and growing business tourism – including rebuilding and growing the opportunities for regional/national association conferences.”

The Vision of the English Riviera Destination Management Plan:

It is time to refresh and reposition the English Riviera as the UK’s premier holiday resort of the future. With a unique heritage, encompassing three towns, each offering a different coastal experience, set within an exceptional natural environment, the English Riviera is so much more than the sum of its parts.

Combining tradition and contemporary, we have a bright future. The English Riviera can offer the best of the seaside, outstanding seafood, exciting activities on and off the water, authentic cultural events and experiences, and a globally significant UNESCO Global Geopark designation that runs like a golden thread through the entire visitor experience.

The consultation closes at midnight on Tuesday 5 July 2022. Find out more and have your say here

If you have any questions about this consultation or the draft plan, please email them to

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